Which insurances does Healthy Kids Pediatric Center accept?
We accept: Anthem BlueCross, Blue Shield (Healthkeepers, PPO) Care First BlueCross, Blue Shield United Healthcare MDIPA Great West Health Care Aetna HMO, PPO, POS CIGNA HMO, PPO OneNet PPO Tricare Standard Mamsi/Optimum Choice **Insurances accepted are subject to change without advanced notice. Please call us to verify that Healthy Kids Pediatric Center participates with your insurance
How many Doctors practice at Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
Healthy Kids Pediatric Center takes pride in the fact that we are a single Doctor practice. Dr. Davis knows her patients and their families very well and maintains a professional and friendly connection with all her patients. For more information on Dr. Davis click here (link). To schedule a “Meet and Greet” with Dr. Davis and to see the office, please call us at 703-858-0121
What do I do if my child is not well on the weekend or after hours?
If there is a medical emergency, please dial 911 immediately. If there is an issue that cannot wait till regular business hours, please call our office at 703-858-0121 and you will be transferred to the answering service and Doctor. Davis will be called. You can also visit one of the Urgent Care facilities or Hospitals in our area. For a list of some of the facilities in our area (including addresses and phone numbers), please click here (link)
What are your hours?
For hours and directions, please click here (link)
Which hospitals is Dr. Davis affiliated with?
Doctor Davis is affiliated with Reston Hospital.
What happens if I give birth at a hospital other than Reston and I want Dr. Davis as my child’s pediatrician?
It is no problem at all! The resident pediatrician will do the initial evaluations at the hospital and we will see the newborn in our office upon discharge. Please make sure to let them know that Healthy Kids Pediatric Center/ Dr. Davis is your child’s Primary Care Physician in order for us to get the birth records. Please remember to call us and make an appointment for baby’s newborn visit in the office.
Can I meet Dr. Davis and see the office before I make an appointment?
Absolutely! You are welcome to make an appointment for a “Meet and Greet”. Please call us at 703-858-0121 to make your appointment!
We are moving to the Northern VA/DC/MD area. What do we need to do to get our kids registered at Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
- Please request your medical records from your previous provider and have them mailed to us. They may require you to fill out their own form but if they don’t mind, you can find our medical release forms TO Healthy Kids Pediatric Center here (attachment).
You may either bring your child’s immunizations and growth chart with you to your first appointment or please have a copy of your child/ren’s immunizations and growth chart faxed to us prior to arrival to your first Well Child Check (if the medical records have not arrived in time for check-up). Our fax number is 703-858-0710.
Please fill out our Registration forms. They can be found here (attachment) or you may fill them out at the time of your appointment.
- You may either bring your child’s immunizations and growth chart with you to your first appointment or please have a copy of your child/ren’s immunizations and growth chart faxed to us prior to arrival to your first Well Child Check (if the medical records have not arrived in time for check-up). Our fax number is 703-858-0710.
- Please fill out our Registration forms. They can be found here (attachment) or you may fill them out at the time of your appointment.
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
- Immunization and growth chart
- Health Insurance Card
- Valid ID
Does Dr. Davis give Referrals to specialists?
Specialty referrals will only be given when ordered by Dr. Davis. Dr. Davis must be listed on your insurance card if the referral is to be valid with your insurance company. Please call our office AFTER you have scheduled an appointment with the specialist that Dr. Davis recommended Please allow a minimum of 7 business days for us to complete a referral. Please do not see a specialist without a referral!
How long will my well-child appointment take?
Please give yourself an hour from the time you come to the office till the time you leave. The doctor and staff would like to ensure that you get enough time to discuss your child’s progress and address any issues or concerns as well as enough time for tests like vision and hearing screenings and vaccines among other things. It may not take a whole hour, but please schedule accordingly.
Do you have walk-in hours?
Unfortunately, we do not provide walk in hours. All visits must be by appointment. For hours and contact information please click here (link)
I will be unable to bring my child for his/her appointment. Can my mother/father/friend/nanny bring my child to his/her appointment?
Yes, they can but you will need to provide an informed consent form signed by the legal guardians of the child. If the caretaker arrives without an informed consent form from the legal guardian and an ID and we do not have approval on file in the office, we will be unable to evaluate the child. The Informed Consent form can be found here (attachment). You can also provide your own note with the name of the caretaker as well as your printed name and signature as well as your child/children’s name. This procedure is to protect your child’s privacy
What form of payments does HKPC accept?
We accept payments by check, cash or Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard and Discover. We do NOT accept American Express)
Can I make a payment by phone or by mail?
Yes. You are welcome to either call us to make a payment or simply mail your payment. We use secure shredding and your information will never be stored or used without your permission.
What are the closest labs to Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
Please click here for a list of suggestions
What are the closest Urgent Cares to Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
Please click here for a list of suggestions
What are the closest Urgent Cares to Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
Please click here for a list of suggestions
What are the closest Hospitals to Healthy Kids Pediatric Center?
Please click here for a list of suggestions
Does the office close for inclement weather?
It depends on the severity of the weather. Please check our website announcements, our facebook page and/or call us to make sure we are open